The Connecticut Republican Assembly passes A Resolution Calling For President Biden To Support Israel
February 2, 2024

WHEREAS: We believe that man’s rights flow from the Creator and the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable and cannot be legitimately granted or rescinded by men,
WHEREAS: We believe in the guiding force of moral law as expressed by the Judeo-Christian ethic and contained in the Holy Scriptures of these historic faiths,
WHEREAS: We believe in a strong and consistent national defense as well as victory over, and not accommodation with, tyranny in any form or philosophy, and
WHEREAS: We believe in the concept of victims’ rights over the rights of any criminal;
WHEREAS: The nation of Israel has faced existential threats to its existence since it was established on May 14, 1948,
WHEREAS: The nation of Israel has been the strongest ally of the United States in the Middle East Region since President Harry S. Truman recognized their new nation on the same day it was established,
WHEREAS: Hamas made an unprovoked criminal attack into the nation of Israel on October 7, 2023, leading to the deaths and kidnappings of Israeli and American citizens,
WHEREAS: Hamas has made it clear that they have no interest in a “two-state solution,” and
WHEREAS: President Joseph R. Biden is already willing to provide unconditional diplomatic, financial, and military support for other nations suffering from invasive attacks, namely Ukraine,
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Connecticut Republican Assembly calls on President Joseph Robinette Biden to do the following:
- Provide Israel with the same strong support commensurate with our other allies,
- Refrain from demanding that Israel agree to any cease fire until Hamas has been completely defeated,
- Allow post-Gaza War decisions to be determined by Israel without external interference,
- Require Palestinian children be de-radicalized to ensure co-existence,
- Condemn the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine should be free” as it is a call for the elimination of Israel, and
- Hold accountable any organizations that collaborate or sympathize with Hamas or any other terrorist organization.
Passed by unanimous vote at the CTRA Annual Convention in Berlin, CT, January 27, 2024.